
Hashrate: 1.73 Gh/s
Effort: 99.05%
Participation: 0.05%
Unconfirmed: 0 KAS
Balance: 6.0225389 KAS
Paid: 174.59434497 KAS

Worker 1H 3H 6H 12H 24H Last seen
ba-5 512.7 Mh/s 568.75 Mh/s 543.31 Mh/s 542.08 Mh/s 535.92 Mh/s 2 minute(s) ago
ba-1 457.99 Mh/s 455.24 Mh/s 437.98 Mh/s 426.82 Mh/s 412.48 Mh/s 2 minute(s) ago
ba-2 407.52 Mh/s 402.51 Mh/s 405.58 Mh/s 401.01 Mh/s 379.3 Mh/s 3 minute(s) ago
ba-3 350.15 Mh/s 407.06 Mh/s 400.93 Mh/s 399.53 Mh/s 393.55 Mh/s 2 minute(s) ago
Total: 1.73 Gh/s 1.83 Gh/s 1.79 Gh/s 1.77 Gh/s 1.72 Gh/s

Height Amount Time
78503357 0.01789144 2024-05-04 11:41:21
78495393 0.01839443 2024-05-04 09:28:41
78443807 0.03028545 2024-05-03 19:09:49
78436813 0.08867780 2024-05-03 17:12:55
78376100 0.04122976 2024-05-03 00:21:01
78368304 0.04944942 2024-05-02 22:11:34
78346114 0.02534459 2024-05-02 16:01:41
78343726 0.01014262 2024-05-02 15:21:54
78331231 0.01051848 2024-05-02 11:53:53
78327661 0.01052131 2024-05-02 10:54:32
78315696 0.01480945 2024-05-02 07:34:51
78222278 0.02264548 2024-05-01 05:37:20
78214177 0.02042371 2024-05-01 03:24:26
78196149 0.04629491 2024-04-30 22:24:55
78166680 0.01865866 2024-04-30 14:19:28
78162119 0.01821747 2024-04-30 13:02:46
78128772 0.02202512 2024-04-30 03:49:12
78117378 0.02072273 2024-04-30 00:40:49
78053210 0.02420727 2024-04-29 06:59:33
78048272 0.02236989 2024-04-29 05:37:58
78003431 0.02632480 2024-04-28 17:16:17
77945326 0.02394385 2024-04-28 01:13:01
77882801 0.04536602 2024-04-27 08:01:24
77879227 0.02266328 2024-04-27 07:03:24
77849823 0.02215137 2024-04-26 22:58:59
77828890 0.00986553 2024-04-26 17:14:11
77803075 0.00924528 2024-04-26 10:11:19
77795893 0.02909259 2024-04-26 08:11:17
77777901 0.03821941 2024-04-26 03:14:40
77770225 0.01665560 2024-04-26 01:07:33
77762335 0.01470975 2024-04-25 22:58:37
77752204 0.02355445 2024-04-25 20:11:15
77739063 0.01289116 2024-04-25 16:35:36
77713699 0.00971053 2024-04-25 09:35:09
77706696 0.01109194 2024-04-25 07:38:48
77698697 0.01865619 2024-04-25 05:26:28
77685249 0.01201441 2024-04-25 01:44:29
77678881 0.01074436 2024-04-24 23:58:23
77666186 0.00826086 2024-04-24 20:28:58
77659335 0.00934290 2024-04-24 18:35:56
77643519 0.02834172 2024-04-24 14:14:05
77624493 0.01096985 2024-04-24 09:01:51
77617365 0.01150301 2024-04-24 07:02:42
77614735 0.01025652 2024-04-24 06:19:35
77608106 0.01131491 2024-04-24 04:29:04
77604136 0.00990384 2024-04-24 03:24:50
77575290 0.02088914 2024-04-23 19:27:46
77535376 0.02167943 2024-04-23 08:29:12
77527549 0.02019778 2024-04-23 06:20:00
77514440 0.01729957 2024-04-23 02:43:20
77500689 0.01609482 2024-04-22 22:56:34
77484374 0.02158837 2024-04-22 18:27:54
77434529 0.02229283 2024-04-22 04:36:54
77417449 0.02231967 2024-04-21 23:51:36
77407229 0.04621794 2024-04-21 21:01:02
77373107 0.02236315 2024-04-21 11:33:51
77311354 0.01913267 2024-04-20 18:24:17
77307968 0.03971235 2024-04-20 17:27:11
77292261 0.01585876 2024-04-20 13:07:16
77279691 0.01798693 2024-04-20 09:37:08
77275070 0.01564951 2024-04-20 08:19:13
77254421 0.02198856 2024-04-20 02:36:26
77204659 0.01969992 2024-04-19 12:47:10
77189713 0.06373532 2024-04-19 08:37:49
77158700 0.07795048 2024-04-19 00:02:15
77100120 0.06646690 2024-04-18 07:45:02
77093939 0.07055339 2024-04-18 06:02:53
77079940 0.06642584 2024-04-18 02:10:26
77047477 0.03193979 2024-04-17 17:07:50
76953946 0.05503972 2024-04-16 15:10:55
76889094 0.05612454 2024-04-15 21:10:17
76857411 0.05181699 2024-04-15 12:22:48
76693748 0.05388281 2024-04-13 14:55:45
76670057 0.04659187 2024-04-13 08:19:50
76654726 0.04784429 2024-04-13 04:04:20
76649068 0.04413570 2024-04-13 02:30:37
76580619 0.06383374 2024-04-12 07:29:40
76555911 0.06709366 2024-04-12 00:37:34
76508064 0.01604599 2024-04-11 11:20:14
76504383 0.01623931 2024-04-11 10:18:31
76463725 0.01323771 2024-04-10 23:01:14
76452114 0.01623209 2024-04-10 19:48:09
76442870 0.01872754 2024-04-10 17:14:08
76439039 0.03038871 2024-04-10 16:10:48
76429896 0.01599291 2024-04-10 13:37:52
76379557 0.03079601 2024-04-09 23:39:40
76374236 0.03478054 2024-04-09 22:11:40
76372111 0.03444609 2024-04-09 21:36:14
76335783 0.04113993 2024-04-09 11:30:54
76306092 0.04343315 2024-04-09 03:14:15

Last 60 minutes 0 0.00000000 0
Last 12 hours 0 0.00000000 0
Last 24 hours 0 0.00000000 0
Today 0 0.00000000 0
Yesterday 0.04 0.00000006 0
Last 7 days 0.56 0.00000094 0.06
Last 30 days 2.81 0.00000475 0.3

Estimate earnings(24H):
34073.36 KAS

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