Hashrate: |
2.15 Gh/s |
Effort: |
101.37% |
Participation: |
0% |
Unconfirmed: |
0 KAS |
Balance: |
0.04758766 KAS |
Paid: |
0 KAS |
Worker |
1H |
3H |
6H |
12H |
24H |
Last seen |
0x0 |
2.15 Gh/s |
2.26 Gh/s |
2.19 Gh/s |
2.09 Gh/s |
2.04 Gh/s |
2 minute(s) ago |
Total: |
2.15 Gh/s |
2.26 Gh/s |
2.19 Gh/s |
2.09 Gh/s |
2.04 Gh/s |
Height |
Amount |
Time |
98444289 |
0.00247816 |
2024-12-21 00:17:37 |
98442494 |
0.00256385 |
2024-12-20 23:47:19 |
98426298 |
0.00485755 |
2024-12-20 19:19:14 |
98423033 |
0.00672255 |
2024-12-20 18:23:58 |
98346967 |
0.00233864 |
2024-12-19 21:15:32 |
98340087 |
0.00242342 |
2024-12-19 19:20:45 |
98288419 |
0.00246998 |
2024-12-19 05:01:08 |
98262729 |
0.00206182 |
2024-12-18 21:51:31 |
98243023 |
0.00190881 |
2024-12-18 16:24:39 |
98208111 |
0.00113775 |
2024-12-18 06:41:15 |
98204387 |
0.00099749 |
2024-12-18 05:38:39 |
98186956 |
0.00131509 |
2024-12-18 00:50:16 |
98174510 |
0.00313719 |
2024-12-17 21:21:25 |
98139607 |
0.00241992 |
2024-12-17 11:40:10 |
98135013 |
0.00266773 |
2024-12-17 10:24:31 |
98092349 |
0.00254960 |
2024-12-16 22:32:51 |
98045383 |
0.00553811 |
2024-12-16 09:29:42 |
No transactions
Period |
Last 60 minutes
| 0 |
0.00000000 |
0 |
Last 12 hours
| 0 |
0.00000000 |
0 |
Last 24 hours
| 0.02 |
0.00000002 |
0 |
| 0 |
0.00000000 |
0 |
| 0.02 |
0.00000002 |
0 |
Last 7 days
| 0.05 |
0.00000006 |
0.01 |
Last 30 days
| 0.05 |
0.00000006 |
0.01 |
Estimate earnings(24H):
Configure minimum payment amount and enable or disable them (individual payments, otherwise by default twice a day automatically)
Configure donation percent to Kaspa dev fund and enable or disable it